10 Plants for Bees – Gaias Organic Gardens

One of the most important biological processes on Earth is pollination. And bees are the biggest pollinators.

What is pollination and why is it important?

Pollination is the act of transferring pollen grains from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma. It is by pollination that plats are fertilized. Did you know that a lot of plants require pollination including vegetables and fruits? They are as important for your crops as they are for your flowers.

How does the bee know which plant has nectar?

Bees have the ability to see color much faster than humans – 5 times faster. The different color in flowers is a way of attracting bees. The colors are the target areas for these pollinators. Bees have a wider range of color vision than humans and they have the ability to see ultraviolet light which gives them an advantage when seeking nectar.

But climate change, humans spraying pesticides on crops to habitat loss, bees are at risk. If bees go extinct, we humans and just about all the species on this planet will not survive.

These little insects help provide so much of the food we eat, let us help them by planting some food for them & NOT spraying chemicals around your home.

Try planting these herbs and flowers to not only add beauty to your home but attract our buzzing friends! Plus, a variety of native plants and flowers will also encourage a healthy ecosystem in your garden.

10 Plants for Bees:

  1. Borage – A favorite of honey bees.  Borage is a bright blue, star-shaped flower also known as “starflower” and the “bee bush”.
  2. Perennial Basil – A beauty for bees. Flower colours are purple and white and it smells divine.
  3. Cornflower – Cornflowersbloom in cheerful purples & blues and are very easy to grow.
  4. Nasturtium – Flowering in bright reds, oranges and yellows.. Bees love them!
  5. Brassica – Brassicas a genus of plants in the mustard family such as cruciferous vegetables like cabbages.
  6. Sunflowers – Sunflowers are one of the best flowers to plant for bees. It has quality pollen and nectar for bees.
  7. Hyacinth – Hyacinths come in magnificent colors (pinks, purples, etc.). These flowers provide nourishing nectar for the bees.
  8. Calendula – Also known as marigold. This plant reseeds providing beauty and nectar in the garden.
  9. Lavender – Smells lovely and looks great. No wonder why bees love them. Butterflies, in particular, love it too!
  10. Rosemary – Honeybees love this beautiful purple flowers and it’s fragrance.

Bees need fresh, clean water especially in the summer. Fill a shallow container of water with pebbles and keep it fresh so that bees can return to it.

Remember, keep your garden organic. Don’t use chemicals. It is bad for the environment, for your family and for the bees. Kind action can change the world, especially for bees.

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