How to Propagate Jade Plant from Leaves: 2 Methods

Do you want to make more jade plants without spending money? Propagating jade plant from leaves is a great way to do just that! Keep reading to learn how to propagate jade plant from leaves.

how to propagate jade plant from leaves

What is a Jade Tree Plant?

Jade tree plant (Crassula ovata) is a succulent that originates from South Africa. It’s an evergreen shrub with oval-shaped, fleshy leaves and small white or pink flowers in the springtime.

The jade tree loves bright light and warm temperatures and can easily survive drought conditions. These plants are easy to care for and make excellent houseplants as they don’t require a lot of attention.


Propagating Jade Plants

When propagating jade plants from leaves or cuttings, it is important to know when the best time to propagate them.

Generally speaking, jade plants can be propagated during any season, but the best time is in the spring or summer months when they are actively growing. 

Supplies Needed for Propagation

You will need a few supplies before you get started propagating your jade plant. These supplies include:

Jade Plant Propagation Methods

There are two main methods to propagate jade plants: from stem cuttings or from a single leaf. Read about each propagation process in more detail below to see which is the best way for you to enjoy a new plant. 

jade plant closeup

Propagating Jade Plant from Cuttings

When propagating jade plants from cuttings, you will need to take a cutting from the parent plant. To do this, use a sharp knife or scissors and cut off a stem from the jade plant that is at least two to three inches in length.

Make sure to make the cut just below a node (where the leaves are). Once you have taken your cutting, you will need to prepare it for propagation. Dip the cutting into some root hormone powder and tap off any excess.

Then plant the cutting in a slightly larger pot filled with moistened, well-draining potting soil. Place the pot in an area that has bright indirect light and keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. 

How to Propagate Jade Plant from Leaves

Learning how to propagate jade plant from leaves is similar to propagating them from cuttings. To do this, you will need to take a healthy leaf from the parent plant.

Use a sharp knife or scissors and make sure to make the cut just below the node (where the leaf is attached to the stem). 

Once you have taken your leaf cutting, prepare it for propagation by dipping it in rooting hormone powder and tapping off any excess.

Place the cutting on top of the moistened, well-draining potting soil, and make sure to press down lightly so that it is securely in place.

jade plant leaves

Rooting Jade Plant Cuttings in Soil

Once your jade plant cuttings or leaves are planted, they will need to be kept in an area with bright, indirect sunlight.

Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy and make sure to water the cuttings or leaves from the bottom up (by pouring water directly into the pot). 

After a few weeks, you should start to see new growth on your jade plant cuttings or leaves. Once this occurs, it’s time to repot them into their own individual pots. 

Repotting Jade Plant Cuttings

When repotting jade plant cuttings, make sure to use a pot with drainage holes in the bottom. Fill the pot with moistened, well-draining potting soil and gently place your cutting or leaf into the new container.

Make sure to press down lightly so that it is securely in place.

Water your jade plant cuttings or leaves from the bottom up and keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Make sure to give them bright, indirect sunlight and watch as they continue to grow! 

jade plant cutting

Best New Pot for Money Plant

When it comes to choosing the best pot for your newly propagated jade plant, you want to make sure that the pot has drainage holes in the bottom.

This will ensure that excess water can easily drain from the pot and prevent root rot. You also want to make sure that the pot is not too big, as this will cause your plant to become root bound and may hinder its growth. 

You can also use ceramic pots, terracotta pots, or plastic pots for your jade plant. Just make sure to choose a pot with drainage holes in the bottom that is the proper size for your plant. 

crassula ovata potted

Best Light and Potting Mix for Lucky Plant

The best light for jade plant cuttings is bright, indirect sunlight. Place your pots in an area that gets lots of indirect sunlight and make sure to avoid direct sun as this can cause scorching. 

When it comes to potting mix, you want to make sure to use a well-draining one. A good potting mix should contain soil, perlite, and sand. You can also add in some organic matter like compost or peat moss for added nutrients. 

Easiest Way to Water Jade Leaf Cuttings

The easiest way to water your jade leaf cuttings is to water them from the bottom up. Simply pour water into the pot and let it soak in, making sure not to flood the soil.

This will allow for even watering and will prevent any root rot or mold growth due to soggy soil. 

crassula ovata plant

Chances of Success with These House Plants

The chances of success when propagating jade plants from leaves or cuttings are quite high. As long as you provide your plant with the proper light, potting mix, and water it correctly, you should have no problem rooting your jade plant cuttings!

The key is to not overwater the soil and make sure that it drains properly. One other thing to keep in mind when propagating jade plants is that it will take some time before you start to see new growth.

Be patient and make sure to give your plant the care it needs as it develops. With proper care, you should be rewarded with a healthy and beautiful jade plant! 

These instructions on how to propagate jade plants from leaves are a great way to start if you have never done it before. Even experienced gardeners can benefit from these tips when trying to propagate jade plants!

potted jade plant

You can also find ready-made jade plant cuttings at your local nursery or garden center. These cuttings are already rooted and just need to be planted in a pot with well-draining soil.

Since they have already been through the rooting process, it is much easier to care for a jade plant cutting than one that is freshly cut from the parent plant. 

No matter which route you choose to go when propagating jade plants, make sure to follow the instructions above and provide your plant with the care it needs in order to thrive.  

jade leaves cutting

How to Care for Jade Cuttings or Leaves

Once your jade cuttings or leaves are repotted, they will need to be cared for just like a mature jade tree plant. Make sure to water them from the bottom up and keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy.

They will also need bright, indirect sunlight so make sure they are placed in an area with good light exposure.

You should also fertilize your jade plants once every few months with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer. Doing this will help to ensure that your newly propagated jade plants are healthy and strong. 

Jade Plant Leaf Summary 

Propagating jade tree plant from leaves or cuttings is an easy process that yields great results. By following these steps, you can easily make more jade plants without spending money.

Make sure to take your cuttings or leaves at the right time of year, prepare them for propagation correctly, and keep them in an area with bright indirect sunlight. Finally, water your jade plants from the bottom up and fertilize them every few months.

jade plant

How to Propagate Jade Plant from Leaves FAQS

Here are some frequently asked questions you may have about how to propagate jade plant from leaves.

Can you root a jade plant from a leaf?

Propagating jade plants from leaves is a great way to make more of your favorite plant without spending money. Make sure to take healthy leaf cuttings and prepare them for propagation by dipping them in rooting hormone powder before planting! 

Can you propagate jade leaves in water?

You can propagate jade leaves in water, just make sure to change the water every few days to prevent bacteria or fungus from growing. After a few weeks, you will need to transplant your leaf into soil so it can properly root and continue to grow. 


How do you grow a jade plant from a leaf cutting?

To grow a jade plant from a leaf cutting, take a healthy leaf and use a sharp knife or scissors to make the cut just below the node (where the leaf is attached to the stem). Then dip your cutting into some rooting hormone powder and tap off any excess.

Place the cutting on top of moistened, well-draining potting soil and press down lightly. Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy and give your cutting bright, indirect sunlight.

After a few weeks, you should start to see new growth on your cutting and it’s time to transplant them into their own individual pots! 

Propagating jade plants from leaves is an easy way to get more of these beautiful plants without spending money. By following the tips and tricks in this blog post, you will have no problem propagating your own jade plants!

crassula ovata

Can you propagate jade plant from fallen leaf?

Yes, you can propagate jade plant from fallen leaves. To do this, take a healthy leaf and use a sharp knife or scissors to make the cut just below the node (where the leaf is attached to the stem).

Then dip your cutting into some rooting hormone powder and tap off any excess. Place the cutting on top of moistened, well-draining potting soil and press down lightly.

Keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy and give your cutting bright, indirect sunlight. After a few weeks, you should start to see new growth on your cutting and it’s time to transplant them into their own individual pots! 

How to Propagate Jade Plant from Leaves Conclusion

With these simple steps, you should have no problem propagating beautiful new jade plants from leaves or cuttings. You can save money and time by propagating your jade plants yourself instead of buying them from a nursery.

Remember, patience is key when it comes to propagating any type of plant – so don’t give up if you don’t see results right away. With proper care and attention, you will soon have a thriving jade plant in no time! 

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