Mid Century Modern Gardens | PITH + VIGOR by Rochelle Greayer

I have just has a huge revelation.
I Love Mid Century modern. My current home is a 1940’s built bungalow in a woodsy setting in an apples and horse town in Yankee New England…and I have chosen to decorate it with a cross between mid mod and some sort of Moroccan international traveler sensibility…I can’t explain any of it.

Anyway, Design Mom is moving to Denver, my hometown, and she talked about ModMidMod a couple days ago and I had a revelation. The site is filled with Mid Modern architecture and other inspirations and it is almost all from my old Denver neighborhoods. I never realized this personal influence until now…for much of my life I have been surrounded by beautiful examples of mid mod arch and design without knowing it. How could that be? Well it explains a lot. So funny to not notice your surroundings until you see it through someone else’s eyes/blog. Anyway, I am so inspired…I want to share some of my mid century modern garden styling ideas that have been flowing for the last day or so.

mid century retro garden inspiration

pictures from ModMidMod”, and flickr here and here.

And here is a bit more….

Mid Century Modern Gardens | PITH + VIGOR by Rochelle Greayer

1. Pom Poms, 2. Garden 2, 3. Curb-shopped patio chair, 4. i want those chairs

You know how decorative concrete block was kind of ubiquitous?  Cheap, Stackable, and in all sorts of shape and patterns….does anyone know a good source for decorative concrete blocks?  I would love to start using them again.

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