Love the weeds you’re with

Love the weeds you’re with

  I have taken liberty with Stephen Stills’s 1970 song Love the One You’re With. The singer-songwriter, deep in the weeds of love, was working through an anguished relationship and attempting to let go. “Concentration slips away. Because your baby is so far away.” Well there’s a rose in a fisted gloveAnd the eagle flies … Read more

Set a Weed to catch a Weed.

Set a Weed to catch a Weed.

Readers in America will have to forgive me some of this. I understand you have many ‘invasives’ and many people only wish to grow native plants. And I think many of you have local rules which also inform what you are allowed to plant. Though it does seems some Ranters like to indulge a weed. … Read more

Loving Gardens Elsewhere – GardenRant

Loving Gardens Elsewhere – GardenRant

Anyone who follows me on Instagram (@bensbotanics) will probably have come to the conclusion that I’m a bit of a ‘plant nerd’. I’m writing this article in the spare bedroom of my little house in Devon, UK, surrounded by my gardening books. I love plants. I love seeing them, finding out about them, I love … Read more

Garden Volunteers – GardenRant

Garden Volunteers – GardenRant

Gardening is a noble profession. It probably won’t make you rich unless you get one of the handful of ‘top jobs’ that pay very well; ironically these are jobs where you’re paid to not actually do any gardening. Even if you go into ‘horticultural media’ you won’t earn the big bucks compared to others doing … Read more

WaPo columnist says nonnative plants are “killing the Earth.” Experts respond.

WaPo columnist says nonnative plants are “killing the Earth.” Experts respond.

Readers of the Washington Post, including me, have followed Dana Milbank’s thoughtful, left-leaning political commentary for years. So what a surprise to read a recent column chastising himself – and really all of us – for growing nonnative plants. The title is “I’m no genius about genuses, but your garden is killing the Earth.” Not … Read more

A familiar voice speaks out on natives and pollinators

A familiar voice speaks out on natives and pollinators

Well, look who’s thrown his famous hat in the ring of the often-contentious discussion around pollinators and native plants. It’s Friend of Rant Allan Armitage, the author of Herbacious Perennial Plants, who has often contributed guest opinions here – actually, it’s been too long since we’ve hosted one. In a recent column for Greenhouse Grower, … Read more

The Truth about Nandinas Killing Birds

The Truth about Nandinas Killing Birds

Nandina ‘Burgundy Wine’ along the front of my house – in January. Other evergreens are Osmanthus ‘Goshiki’ and Carex ‘Ice Dance’. I recently welcomed visitors to my townhouse garden, happily at first, until I was asked – more than once – to defend the Nandinas shrubs I’d planted along the foundation. The visitors had heard … Read more

Plantsmanship 101 – GardenRant

Plantsmanship 101 – GardenRant

“You must visit my friend Mary; she’s a plantswoman.” I’m a fairly placid sort of chap really. I do what I do and I’m largely happy for the world around me to just happen. The word ‘plantsman’ or ‘plantswoman’, however, elicits a strong response from me; I’m never rude I hope, but if someone introduces … Read more