Recreating the Garden at Auschwitz

Recreating the Garden at Auschwitz

I don’t recall ever seeing a garden so prominent in a movie, with most of the scenes set in the garden, as in the Oscar-nominated film The Zone of Interest.  There’s even a long scene, shown above, of the homeowner/gardener naming each plant as she gives a tour of the garden. It’s all the more … Read more

Sir Roy Strong’s Garden at The Laskett

Sir Roy Strong’s Garden at The Laskett

We live fairly near The Laskett. So seeing it was open, we thought we’d have an afternoon out and went to visit. And we took lots of photos – so thanks to Charles for his contributions. Introduction Sir Roy has donated the place to Perennial, the Gardeners’ Benevolent Fund, after rejection by the National Trust. … Read more

Packera aurea Bloom Combos I Hate

Packera aurea Bloom Combos I Hate

Packera aurea Bloom Combos I Hate Packera aurea (a/k/a golden groundsel or golden ragwort) in my garden; azaleas at the National Arboretum Ever been excited about a new plant until you saw what was blooming nearby at the same time and the color combo almost made you retch? Sounds extreme, but that was my reaction … Read more

The Mostly labeled…Korean Mum – GardenRant

The Mostly labeled…Korean Mum – GardenRant

  For perhaps the 15th consecutive autumn let me TRUMPET THE MOST UNDERUSED PLANT IN HORTICULTURE HISTORY OK, calm down Bob..Bob.. But I’m telling you, it is underused. These pictures were taken yesterday as the rest of our garden shades Autumnal to Outta Here. The Korean mum is truly hardy. Very easy to grow. It … Read more

Good to the last leaf

Good to the last leaf

There are a couple of magnificent, one hundred-and fifty-year-old gingkoes across the Ohio River in Louisville. Visitors to Cave Hill Cemetery and the Peterson-Dumesnil House make annual pilgrimages to see the colorful leaves. You can’t help being awestruck. My gingko in Utica, Indiana doesn’t draw big crowds, but it holds magic. Good to the last … Read more

Thanksgiving and the Family Tree

Thanksgiving and the Family Tree

Thanksgiving has arrived!  The cool season annuals are finally going out. As I put them in their places, Charlie Brown tunes pop into my head. We’re all feeling festive. Bill’s inflatable turkey sits outside bouncing in the breeze, delighted to be the focal point of a front yard instead of the dining table. “Eat more … Read more