Orchid Love, An Origin Story

Orchid Love, An Origin Story

Walking into Dotty and Berry Woodson’s greenhouse is like walking into heaven, but thankfully you don’t have to perish to get there. You do need to make an appointment or be lucky enough to receive an invitation, as I did last week. Could there be anything more fun than spending time with Dotty and her … Read more

The not so forbidden fruit

The not so forbidden fruit

Eight years ago, I planted a small orchard, a mix of heirloom and so-called improved modern apple cultivars. Six trees total. I’ve taken good care of our trees—or so I thought. I watered the first two years, pruned limbs each winter to improve production, but did not spray. I had apple cider in mind. Two … Read more

Gardeners Show Mercy – GardenRant

Gardeners Show Mercy – GardenRant

  I sometimes go catatonic while standing over an appealing plant I haven’t seen before. Looking like Mr. Pitiful, shoulders slumped, my eyes are fixed on the prize in front of me. I am silently pleading mercy. Gardeners will often rescue me if they’ve got enough time and plants to spare, especially if there is … Read more

A Post about Posts and Interfering Visitors

A Post about Posts and Interfering Visitors

Well, guess who came to visit? Yep, it’s Marianne. Thinking about making trouble. We had lunch, a good gossip, and then a quick garden tour. And we went to see my latest brilliant idea: What’s the point of wonky posts, I hear you ask? Hm, well, – I have begun to think about how dodgy … Read more

An Experiment In Naturalism – GardenRant

An Experiment In Naturalism – GardenRant

I’d planned a leisurely morning. A bit of gentle pottering around in my own garden, then out later to deal with something at a garden I look after. My phone buzzed: fellow Ranter Marianne was in my area, should we meet up? Wildside We visited Wildside, a small but interesting garden near the romantically named … Read more

Ear Seeds and Acupuncture – GardenRant

Ear Seeds and Acupuncture – GardenRant

  A year ago, my daughter and I drove to Vancouver and made the rounds. Molly lives in Bellingham, Washington, near the Canadian border. The first stop was the University of British Columbia Botanical Garden for a walk around; the second stop was Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside for my introduction to the healing powers of auricular … Read more