Eggs now qualify as ‘healthy’ food, FDA says: Here’s why

Eggs now qualify as ‘healthy’ food, FDA says: Here’s why

While eggs haven’t historically been considered a “health food,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) now classifies them as a “healthy, nutrient-dense” food, according to a new proposed rule.  The update is the result of changes in nutrition science and dietary recommendations, according to the agency. The FDA’s “healthy” designation for food labeling purposes … Read more

Same GP at each appointment for patients most in need

Same GP at each appointment for patients most in need

Patients most “in need” should be able to see the same doctor at every appointment in their local GP surgery, the government says. GPs will be rewarded financially if they do this and if they go “above and beyond” preventing common killers like heart disease or treating high blood pressure early, it says. The measures … Read more

8 Best Posture Correctors That Benefit Your Body

8 Best Posture Correctors That Benefit Your Body

If you spend a lot of time on your computer or phone or sit for prolonged periods during work hours or otherwise, odds are you’ve wondered about the effect on your posture. If so, you’re right to be concerned: It turns out that poor posture can have health consequences that are more far-reaching than you … Read more

How Traveling Boosts Your Brain

How Traveling Boosts Your Brain

The phrase “I need a vacation” exists for a reason. Travel benefits us in more ways than one ― it gives you something to look forward to, gets you to explore beyond your comfort zone and can even improve your well-being. You may not immediately connect your vacation with health benefits, but experts say you … Read more