Part of our Backyard Farming / Urban Homesteading operation consists of growing dandelions and harvesting them to make roasted dandelion coffee. The roasted roots can be ground after roasting and put into jars or tea bags and sold online or at Farmers Markets. It doesn’t taste like coffee, but it is very good.
Recipe for Roasted Dandelion Coffee
Step 1: Pick a bunch of Dandelion Roots after a light rain.
Step 2: Cut off and wash the roots.
Step 3: Cut into small uniform pieces and roast on a baking sheet until they start to smell good.
Step 4: Grind them up in a coffee grinder (or spice grinder if you have one). Alternatively you could chop them up finely with any utensil that works for this purpose.
Step 5: Make coffee how you normally would with the grounds.
To make the dandelion coffee, you can use any machine or system that makes coffee. Just use the same amount of ground dandelion roots as you would ground coffee.
For this batch we used a Chemex maker, but you don’t have to have one of these. Check out our article on how to brew gourmet coffee anywhere with very basic materials. Even if you don’t drink coffee or have any coffee making equipment this article will show you how to grind and brew your dandelion coffee with things you have in your home right now.
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