How to Get Rid of Garter Snakes in My Garden

Are garter snakes keeping you from enjoying your garden? Keep reading for some great tips if you are asking yourself how to get rid of garter snakes in my garden.

How to Get Rid of Garter Snakes in My Garden

If you’re like many homeowners, you’ve probably encountered garter snakes at some point. While they may be harmless, their presence can still be quite unsettling. In this post, I’ll discuss some effective methods for keeping garter snakes away from your garden and maintaining a snake-free environment.

Dealing with garter snakes can be a bit overwhelming, especially if you have a fear of snakes. But don’t worry, I’m here to help! I’ll share findings and tips with you so that you can confidently enjoy your outdoor space without worrying about encountering these reptiles.

It’s important to understand that garter snakes are harmless snakes and not aggressive towards humans. They play a crucial role in controlling the population of pests such as insects, slugs, and small rodents. If you have small animals or small children who frequent your garden, then it’s understandable that you may want to keep these nonvenomous snakes at bay.

What are Garter Snakes?

Let’s learn a little more about garter snakes. These common snakes are found throughout North America (United States) and can range in size from 20 inches to over 4 feet long. They have distinctive stripes running down their bodies, which gives them their name “garter” snake. 

Although they may look intimidating, garter snakes are non-venomous snakes and are considered harmless to humans.  They also have a unique defense mechanism where they release a foul-smelling musk when threatened, making them less appealing to predators as the smelliest snakes in your yard. 

As with any wild animal, it’s best to keep a safe distance and take precautions if you come across a common garter snake in your garden

garter snake

Types of Garter Snakes

The Eastern garter snake (thamnophis sirtalis) is the most common type found in North America, and the Western garter snake (thamnophis elegant) is found on the West Coast. 

It’s essential to identify which type of garter snake is prevalent in your area as their behavior and diet may vary slightly. For example, the Eastern garter snake is more likely to hibernate during colder months, while the Western garter snake may remain active year-round.

What Garter Snakes Like to Eat

Garter snakes (garden snakes) play an essential role in controlling pests. They primarily feed on small creatures such as insects, slugs, and worms. This makes them a great natural form of pest control in your garden. 

It also means that if you have a lot of these food sources in your yard, the likelihood of attracting garter snakes increases. I’ll discuss some ways to decrease these food sources and make your garden less appealing to garter snakes.

Garter Snakes in the Yard and Garden

Garter snakes are very adaptable and can thrive in a variety of environments, including yards and gardens. They are attracted to areas with plenty of vegetation, moisture, and food sources. So if your garden fits this description, then it’s likely that you’ll encounter garter snakes at some point.

If you’re not comfortable having these snakes around your home or if they’re causing damage to your plants, then there are some simple steps you can take to deter them. These include removing any potential hiding spots such as piles of leaves or rocks, keeping your garden area clean and tidy, and using natural repellents like cinnamon oil or garlic spray.

garter snake in grass

Is it Bad to Have Garter Snakes in My Garden?

Garter snakes are actually beneficial for our gardens as they help control pest populations. Some people may still feel uncomfortable having them around their home or garden. In this case, it’s perfectly fine to take preventative measures to keep gartner snakes at a distance.

It’s important to note that if you do decide to use chemical repellents or traps, make sure to read the instructions carefully and use them safely. Alternatively, you can also seek professional help if you’re unsure about how to handle garter snakes in your garden.

Why Garter Snakes are in the Garden

As mentioned earlier, garter snakes are attracted to areas with plenty of vegetation and moisture. They also like to hide in cool, dark places during the day and come out at night to hunt for food.

If you have a lot of tall grass, overgrown shrubs, or standing water in your garden, then it’s likely that garter snakes will seek shelter there. By making your garden less desirable to them, you can decrease the chances of encountering them in your yard.

In addition to preventative measures, it’s also important to have respect for garter snakes and all wildlife. They play a valuable role in our ecosystem, and it’s crucial to coexist with them safely and responsibly.  

How to Keep Garter Snakes Out of Flower Beds

Flower beds can be a prime spot for garter snakes to hide and seek shelter. To discourage them from taking up residence in your flower beds, you can try using mulch made of cedar or other strong-smelling materials. Garter snakes don’t like the strong smell and will likely avoid those areas.

You can also try planting marigolds or lemongrass, as their strong scents can act as natural repellents. And don’t forget to keep the area clean and tidy by doing plenty of yard work, reducing potential hiding spots for these snakes.

How to Get Rid of Garter Snakes in My Garden

Now, let’s get to the good stuff – what to do when you have a garter snake infestation in your garden!

Ultimately, it may take a combination of different tactics to find the best solution for your specific situation. But don’t worry, with a little effort and persistence, you can successfully deter garter snakes from entering your garden and enjoy a peaceful coexistence with these beneficial creatures.  

Check out these great tips on how to get rid of garter snakes in my garden that you can try in your yard!

Spray with a Hose

If you spot a garter snake in your garden, one quick and easy way to get rid of it is by spraying it with a hose or spray bottle. Gently spray the snake from a safe distance until it slithers away. This method is ideal for those who are afraid of snakes or do not want to harm them.  

Keep in mind that this may not be a permanent solution, as the snake may return to your garden eventually. So it’s best to pair this method with other preventative measures as well.  

garter snake by leaves

Remove Sources of Food and Water

Garter snakes are attracted to areas with plenty of food sources. If you have a garden, it’s important to keep it clean and free of debris regularly. This includes removing any fallen fruits or vegetables, as well as keeping your compost bin covered and tightly sealed.

Reducing the moisture in your garden by fixing leaks or drainage issues can also help make your garden less appealing to garter snakes.  

Use Snake Traps

You can also use snake traps to capture and remove garter snakes from your yard. These traps are designed specifically for snakes and have openings that allow them to enter but not escape. Once you’ve caught the snake, you can release it into a more suitable habitat away from your garden.

Just be sure to check local laws and regulations before handling or relocating any wildlife with a humane trap.  

Get Rid of Sheltering Spots

Garter snakes love to hide in areas with plenty of cover. So one effective way to discourage them from entering your garden is by getting rid of any potential hiding spots. This includes piles of debris and leaves, woodpiles and rock piles, and dense vegetation.

By reducing these sheltering spots, you’ll make your garden less inviting for garter snakes and encourage them to move on to a different location.  

garter snake on rock

Keep Your Garden Clean and Tidy

Keeping your garden clean and free of debris is one of the easiest ways to deter garter snakes. These snakes are attracted to dark, cluttered areas where they can hide and hunt for food.

By regularly removing any potential hiding spots such as piles of wood or rocks, you’ll make your garden less appealing to snakes. Keeping your lawn trimmed and free of overgrown vegetation will also discourage garter snakes from entering your yard.

Fill Burrows In Your Yard

Garter snakes are known to make their homes in burrows, so if you have any holes or tunnels in your yard, consider filling them up. This will not only prevent garter snakes from creating a home in your yard but also discourage other pests like rodents from using these areas as well.

Remove shelter as much as possible to act as a natural snake repellent in your yard.

Use Snake Repellant

If you prefer a more hands-off approach, there are various commercial snake repellents available on the market. These products typically contain natural ingredients that emit strong scents to repel snakes, such as cloves, cinnamon, or garlic.

You can sprinkle these around your garden or near potential entry points to deter garter snakes from entering. Keep in mind that these products may need to be reapplied regularly to remain effective.  

garter snake closeup

Keep Grass Short

Garter snakes prefer to stay in tall grass where they can easily hide and hunt for food. By keeping your lawn mowed and short, you’ll discourage them from making a home in your yard. This is especially important during the spring and summer months when garter snakes are most active.

Install Physical Barriers

Another effective way to keep garter snakes out of your garden is by installing physical barriers such as mesh or fencing. These can be placed around the perimeter of your garden and any potential entry points, like gaps under fences or holes in walls. Just make sure the barriers are buried deep enough to prevent snakes from burrowing under them.  

Snake Trap in Garbage Can

If you have a persistent garter snake that keeps coming back to your garden, you can try trapping it in a garbage can. Place the open trash bin next to the snake and gently guide it into the bin using a long stick or broom. Once inside, secure the lid and drive the snake to a suitable habitat far away from your home.  

Remove Standing Pools of Water

Just like any other living creature, garter snakes need water to survive. By removing standing pools of water and other water sources in your yard, you can reduce the likelihood of them being attracted to your garden. Be sure to regularly empty out any containers that collect water, such as buckets or birdbaths.  

Replace Grass with Gravel or Rocks

If you’re willing to make a more significant change in your garden, consider replacing areas of grass with gravel or rocks. Garter snakes prefer to slither on soft surfaces like grass, so by creating an unappealing terrain for them, you can discourage them from entering your yard. Plus, this also reduces the need for mowing and maintenance!  

garter snake behind leaves

Try Natural Deterrents

Aside from physical barriers, there are also natural substances that can repel garter snakes from your garden. One popular method is using sulfur powder, which can be sprinkled around the perimeter of your garden to create a barrier that snakes cannot cross.

Another option is to plant herbs such as lemongrass, marigolds, or garlic around your garden as these are known to deter snakes. Some people have had success using essential oils like peppermint or clove to keep snakes away.

These natural deterrents may not work for everyone, but they’re worth a try if you want to avoid using harsh chemicals in your garden.

Hire a Local Pest Control Specialist

I’ve covered several methods for keeping garter snakes away, but what if nothing seems to work? In this case, you may need to consult a professional pest control company. They can assess the situation and provide more specialized solutions for getting rid of snakes in your yard. 

If you’ve tried various methods and are still struggling with garter snakes in your garden, it may be time to seek a professional wildlife control company. Pest control companies have the expertise and resources to safely remove and prevent garter snakes from entering your yard.

They can also provide long-term solutions, such as sealing any gaps or holes in your home that may allow snakes to enter. Just make sure to choose a reputable company with experience in handling snake infestations.  

However, keep in mind that garter snakes are beneficial for gardens as they help control pests like slugs and grasshoppers. So if possible, try to coexist with them peacefully rather than resorting to drastic measures.  

eastern garter snake

Keeping Garter Snakes Out of Your Home

While garter snakes typically prefer to live outdoors, they may occasionally find their way into your home. To prevent this from happening, make sure all cracks and crevices in your foundation, walls, and doors are sealed. Keep your basement clean and clutter-free as these are common areas for garter snakes to hide in.

If you do happen to come across a snake in your home, use a broom to gently guide it outside. Remember, garter snakes are harmless and prefer to avoid confrontation with humans. By following these tips, you can peacefully coexist with these fascinating creatures while keeping them out of your home and garden.  


Here are some frequently asked questions about how to get rid of garter snakes in my garden.

What makes garter snakes go away?  

The best way to keep garter snakes away is by removing any potential food sources or hiding spots and using natural deterrents like sulfur powder or essential oils.

Installing physical barriers can also help prevent them from entering your garden. Animal control is another way to keep this common snake out of your yard as well.

What smell do garter snakes hate?  

Garter snakes are sensitive to strong scents, particularly those of garlic, clove, and cinnamon. You can use these scents as natural deterrents by sprinkling them around your garden or near potential entry points for snakes.  

What home remedy gets rid of garter snakes?  

Aside from natural deterrents, you can also try sprinkling a mixture of cayenne pepper and garlic powder around your garden to repel garter snakes. These remedies may not work for everyone. It’s best to use a combination of methods for the most effective results in deterring garter snakes from your garden.  

Why am I seeing so many garter snakes in my yard?  

Garter snakes are commonly found in yards and gardens as they provide an ideal habitat for them, with plenty of hiding spots and food sources. If you’re seeing a lot of garter snakes in your yard, it’s likely because they’ve found these conditions to be favorable.

Using the methods mentioned above can help make your yard less attractive to these snakes.  So, it’s important to keep your garden clean and tidy, use deterrents, install barriers, remove standing pools of water, replace grass with gravel or rocks, and try natural alternatives.

And if all else fails, consult a professional pest control service for more specialized solutions. Remember to always handle wildlife with care and follow local laws and regulations when handling or relocating snakes. With these tips, you can enjoy a garden free from garter snakes while also promoting a healthy ecosystem.  

Enjoy Your Snake-free Garden

If you have a snake problem, hopefully, these tips and tricks can help you enjoy a garden free of garter snakes. Remember to always approach them with caution and respect their role in the ecosystem. And who knows, maybe you’ll even start to appreciate their presence as you see fewer pests wreaking havoc on your plants! 

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