Sri Lanka’s plantation workers live on the margins. But politicians still want their votes

Sri Lanka’s plantation workers live on the margins. But politicians still want their votes

SPRING VALLEY, Sri Lanka — Whoever Sri Lanka’s next president is, Muthuthevarkittan Manohari isn’t expecting much to change in her daily struggle to feed the four children and elderly mother with whom she lives in a dilapidated room in a tea plantation. Both leading candidates in Saturday’s presidential election are promising to give land to … Read more

Homemade White Oil to Manage Leafminer

Homemade White Oil to Manage Leafminer

A leaf miner is any one of numerous species of insects in which the larval stage lives in, and eats, the leaf tissue of plants. The vast majority of leaf-mining insects are moths, sawflies and some beetles. Larvae mine their way through leaves creating blisters that often look like yellow, squiggly lines in the leaves. … Read more